Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Quilled Monogram

Ok, I'am back after a long, long time. So, hello friends, its good to be back! I've got one weeks respite now between my exams... so I guess I can finally share what I've been up to the previous month(apart from loads of studying).
Quillography, or quilled typography daunts me a LOT. But finally I took a leap of faith and finished with this...

Here's the journey in a collage...(by the way, those who don't already, try out PicMonkey. Its an awesome photo editing site where you can also make collages and even a fun header for your blog! I made mine recently!)

Lately, I've been wholly obsessed with aztec prints. I think that's rubbed off a bit here...

I think this is my first full fledged quilling project. Quilling takes a lot of time, but it does look so worth it in the end! And its fun too. And for quillography, it doesn't daunt me that much now. Maybe I'll do more of it after my exams truly get over.


  1. Absolutely stunning!! Very neat work. The amount of patience and efforts you put into this is so evident. Would love to see more quilling from you :)

  2. Awesome work Somdeepa !! I agree with Jasleen your hard work is seen neat work .. :)

  3. Hey! Kindly check your mail.. You are the winner of my candy.. Congratulations.. :)

  4. Wow !!!!!! You are rocking :) :)

  5. Is that even...*sigh*... this kind of stuff would take me years to make, the impatient person I am, and then again, I see people creating stunningly beautiful stuff, stuff that is probably impossible for me to create. "awesome" isn't the only word in the universe that can describe this. I feel that taking into account every single word that is synonymous with "awesome", too, would not be enough. (behold my power of appraisal, lol) <--- edit this one though. Not buttering, this is really awesome. You never fail to amaze.
    A friend,
    (Sorry this one was late though, browser's giving problems.)


Do say what you think about this post! Thanks! :)